approx 2005 - 2008, misc pics ♥
looking back through these photos i wonder why we took them, or what the memory was behind them, because some of them are so odd and random! however they're the ones that have survived hard drive changes, culls, and bebo/piczo deleting all traces of their existence, and i'm glad they survived, as they bring back years of memories ♥

i wanna say this is from 2006?? 2007??? lots of mems outside the henshall building x

at an aquarium type place i think?
l-r: me, emily, emma, hannah :)
l-r: me, emily, emma, hannah :)


i remember captioning this on my old piczo website as "alice's dead potato LOL"

alice and emily, awawawwww

:) love

i kinda remember this day, i don't remember it being that foggy though???

rachel and emily <3

me and emily, thank god we discovered eyeshadow blending


i remember this trip :) fun fact, it was the first time i had ben and jerrys!!!!!


babies:) lg chocolate phone ahhh... with the charm that i can't remember having at all???

oh my god the sight of gcse graphics coursework folders have been ingrained into my BRAIN


freya putting on make up??

l-r: abbie, emily, polly ♥


okay so. iirc, this was a french lesson (yr 8?) and we had to practice our french by 'predicting' your partners future. so like "you will live to 89, you will have 4 children, you will work as a teacher" and freya put on her scarf getting super into it hahah ♥ loveee it:)

just haaaaangin out
l-r: gemma(?), emily, hannah, becci
l-r: gemma(?), emily, hannah, becci

a cute train pic:)

awww a tiny one of us before the mcr gig in 2007!


l-r: kim, freya, emily :)