last day of high school ♥
i miss highschool sm :(( our theme for our year was geeks and nerds, as every other year before us was always naughty school girls / short skirts etc... apparantly we set a trend and every year after that was different :) shssfc 05-10 <3
the washing line of granny pants with all our names on, strung up from across the buildings :)
steph and i in history class!! which was scheduled in a textiles room... ok
hannah, shammie and gemmaaaa
leah and mee ♥ iluuu
pav and i :) cutee
awh class photo!! l-r: steph, leah, shammie's head, me, sophie, hannah's head, mr jackson, emily, becky, gemma
back of my signed shirt :O i wish i still had this, i think i must have lost it ;(
sophie and i'm not sure who else!
aw that hoodie was so big on me, eventually it got too small after being washed so much (and my metabolism slowing ha), miss it
me and emily ♥
hannah, me and emily
me, gemma and alice!! i think in maths class
alice hahahaha
alice and me :*
rosie and laura, i think leah in the background?? i can't be sure ahh
oh my god at the end of the day we hung bras from the branches of the tree behind the henshall building! hahaha
more bras x
blurrryyyy freya i think!!
social area at the end of the day, with all the granny pants and bras strung up around the room
doonn''t stop, belieeeeevin'

hahahahahaah there are no words

sorry mr evans & mr whitmarsh x